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ARBLE EFFECT – Gel Ink: Intense, Harmony, Versatile, Delicacy, Oasis, and Attractive. Six colors that will amaze you with their effects. Super easy to use because it dries instantly creating beautiful marble and watercolor effects. Add vibrant colors to your nails using all six colors together; you’ll never want to stop creating nail art with them. NOTE: Prices available for US-based customers only. International customers should contact their country authorized distributor.

0.5 oz.

MARBLE EFFECT – Gel Ink: Intense, Harmony, Versatile, Delicacy, Oasis, y Attractive. 6 diferentes geles de colores que crearán hermosos y delicados diseños con efectos de mármol o acuarela en tus uñas. Son de secado inmediato, no querrás dejar de crear diseños en tus uñas. NOTA: Precios disponibles solamente para clientes en Estados Unidos. Clientes internacionales deben contactar al distribuidor autorizado en cada país.

Marble Effect – Gel Ink Set

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